Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Help me hold my tongue
When anger fills my mind
Make me always remember
To be good all the time ...

Message for Sept. 17, 2011.
Writing is a way of  expressing  into written words what’s  in the mind. Often, one’s opinion or  feelings   is rather written than spoken especially if it will not be acceptable to say it openly to others. But then what is written will have more lasting impact because your thoughts and feelings were recorded for posterity unless it was destroyed. 

What can be more disheartening and frustrating to the person that you once wrote about when they will discover that there was enmity in your soul when they did not suspect it? How can they make amends for the offense they did to you? It is better to be open about your feelings so whatever issues you have with others can be resolved quickly and not allowed to fester. Harboring ill feelings will always wreck havoc to your bodily system without your knowing it.

Speak gently even in your anger, be frank but be kind. There is a way of conveying your frustration and anger that will not add fuel to the spark or ember of bitterness in someone’s heart. Before you confront someone, remember to pray first for enlightenment and guidance so that the Holy Spirit will come to help you resolve issues and not cause further hurt and harm. Be in control of yourself, not allowing anger to run free with your tongue to avoid starting another dispute instead of settling one.

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