Saturday, September 24, 2011

His coming

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

My coming no one can tell
I have told no one
To surprise everyone
False prophets
Will hide in shame

Message for Sept. 24, 2011.
My coming can not be foretold by any human prediction and forecasting. I will come in My glory in My own  time and no one will know because I will come unexpectedly,  surprising everyone and putting to shame the false prophets of gloom and doom.

Do not believe anyone who predicts the end of the world because I will not end the world I beautifully created just for their words to come true.  Why do these people persist in their belief of divine powers? I have entrusted no one with that.

There are only three divine persons, Me, the Son and the Holy Spirit. No one except us can do divine manifestations.  If we manifest our divine power to any of My children, then it is solely our prerogative who to use among you and usually it is for a divine purpose not a superficial display of power alone . The person chosen will be someone who is humble and pure of heart who will not abuse the power temporarily given to them.

Rejoice therefore that the world will not end. People will come and leave this earth as planned and to clean up those who have become wicked and lost. They will be replaced by good people, but My world will remain beautiful for My children.

No one can destroy the world I have created, I will recreate the ones destroyed and defiled by human hands with greater beauty and promise.

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