Saturday, September 24, 2011


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

A little lie won’t do no harm
So I thought
But much to my surprise
I had to keep on lying
To hide the first lie I told

Message for Sept. 22, 2011.
Compromise for nothing that will destroy your credibility. Make your path straight and honest. There is no “in between”  to the road of My kingdom because a little falsehood is still a lie, no matter if you are doing it for what you think is good.

The consequence of that little lie can’t be seen by you immediately, but I can see the whole scene for all time, so I know what will be it’s consequences for everyone. Cover up a lie and you’ll end up with a web of lies that you won’t find easy to get out of.

Stay away from falsehood, so you won’t be compromised in any way.

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