Grace, mercy and peace to you all.
Pets are something to give you pleasure but only for awhile. Like people in your lives, they come and go for a reason and a season. You should not get attached to them fully because it will just cause you distress if they have to go.
Love your pets, treat them well but do not devote yourself to them to the exclusion of everything else. If they are dying, severe the tie with them by not fussing over them which only make it difficult for them to pass away. Be there but respect their need to be alone as they struggle between life and death.
My children, do not weep when your pets have to leave you, it was enough that they experience your loving attention when they were with you. Death is part of the cycle of life, everything on earth dies after a period of time. You all have to leave your physical form to be one of the spirits with Me, which is your real form of existence in this world, the human form is to make you visible but the real you is your soul.
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