Sunday, August 21, 2011

Givng and sharing

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Message for Aug. 21, 2011.

Revenues do not always come in the day you want or need them, although you've prayed so hard for financial help. Don't despair, I work through channels sometimes to get each of you involve in each other even though you don't know it.

Like I told you about life being a wheel which needs people to turn it toward their goal, so are your petitions. It is part of your wheel or interconnected with someone else's and it requires synchronized work to make it turn favorably towards you.

So, in every assignment, do it well because you never know who will benefit from it along the way. In your petitions, pray for the persons who are part of the team that will work toward the fulfillment of your prayer. That is brotherhood, that is christian life, praying and working for each other to achieve each other's goal.

A true Christian is never alone, you need other people's help and intercession, you are there to be part of a system, a community that shares with love. Go and be a part of Christianity, my children. Don't think you can be self sufficient and not need the help of any one because you are rich or because you are poor, you can't help others. Everyone of you has the capacity to give something if you don't limit yourself to your set limitations.

Broaden your reach towards others, you will find that there are so many who can help you and so many that you can help. It is a give and take thing and not necessarily from the same persons you've helped or the ones who helped you. It is a universal exchange of gifts, you may give to someone, but another person will give back the favor to you or it could be you who gave someone for something you received from another.

Do not be stingy in giving, always share whatever little you have to those who have nothing.

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