Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obey His plans for you

Message for Aug. 9, 2011.
Readiness to do My will takes a lot of effort for you, My children because you have plans of your own. Because of this, you forget that your loftiest plans and dreams are nothing in comparison to My plans for you. If only you will realize and understand that My plans although, it may be slow in coming to fruition for you impatient children, it is always for the good of everyone around you and not only for you.

My plans may seem dubious and slow to you but, remember that I can see everything and I control everything so, whatever I say will come to pass in time. And you can be assured that everything I have planned will always be for good. Nothing and no one can stop My plans from being accomplished, it will always be done according to My time and the result I would like to have.

If you, My children refuse to take part of My plans, there are others that I can use to accomplish My goals and the blessing that you are supposed to receive will be given to those who readily obeyed My invitation to follow Me.

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