Monday, June 27, 2011

Want to belong?

Message for June 26, 2011.
To bear fruits is to know your gifts and making good use of it. Discover yourself and your abilities, you will be surprise at how many things you can do which you thought you can't do. Set aside a time for doing this, you will find it a novel experience.

Modern man has allowed the world to dictate to them how to spend their time. They are lured by malls, resorts or travel that seldom do they spend time to just be by themselves. Why is it that man is afraid to be alone? Everyone seems to want to be part of the mad rush to be "in" among their peers, especially the younger generation. They always want to be somewhere else other than their place.

Are they afraid of their guilt catching up on them in the quietness of their own? Are they fearful of time to pass by without them enjoying it to the fullest? This mad scramble to be on top, to be noticed is such a crazy idea that wears them down.

They, you, only have to please ME, why are they trying to please everyone that doesn't matter? Yes, to "belong, but to whom? Certainly, not to Me. I have far simpler rules for you to become a member of My kingdom, inexpensive too!

To belong this world is expensive and time consuming for activities that don't matter to My kingdom. What a sorry state, these misguided people have become. For all of you, my children, come spend time with Me everyday to discern the so many talents I have given you and use them to spread the good news of My kingdom. You will belong to heaven for eternity, without membership fees to pay annually.

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