Message for June 27, 2011.
Doubt is like poison that slowly eats up the faith and trust stored in your heart. When you believe in something or someone, believe truly with an open heart for love and kindness to fill it. Don't entertain doubts and suspicions because they are like worms that eat away the foundation of your love. When you doubt, it will make your mind conjure images that will ran away out of control if you continue to harbor it inside yourself.
Think positive, think of no wrong so it won't come your way. You are inviting bad things to yourself when you keep on doubting. You worry, you suspect, you judge wrongly, you become warped in your judgement. Always strive to look at things in the good light, if you sense something wrong, try to look for the reason why there is a discrepancy in what you believe and what you see.
There is always a reason for things that happen in your life. Don't dwell on the bad aspect, look beyond it and you will see the good that I want you to see. Don't focus on the bad because the more you will see the badness about it. Flip it, turn it over sideways, back, round and round. View it at different perspectives and then you will be able to judge the situation as it really is.
Don't be rash in giving your judgement. Be still and be calm for a moment, for in the silence of your heart when you call on Us, we will open your eyes, your mind and your heart to what we want you to see and you will be guided to do the right thing for the benefit of everyone in your life and your neighbors. Always consider your actions and it's effect to those around you, because you are not alone in this world. What you do, will ultimately affect other people in time.
So, consider every situation you are in with the eyes of a believer, who knows the ways of God and whose aim is to bring other people to My kingdom. That is everyone's role, everyone's mission. Your path all leads to Me but the roads will differ.`
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