Remember Jonah the prophet who refused to do what God ordered him to do because he didn't find His orders to his liking? I have often acted like Jonah and every time I do so, sheepishly I will do what was ordered after so many obstacles that left me frustrated.
Why is it difficult to obey? Why do we insist on our plans and dreams and not His? For me, it is because I doubt if He is really "talking" to a sinner like me and it seems His way takes longer than what I wanted. Of course, after a time I will realize my way was much longer than if I had obeyed Him immediately.
Message for June 7, 2011.
To do your will despite knowing what you are supposed to do deserves punishment. That is why you are faced with different obstacles and trials because you refuse to obey Me. I have given you explicit instructions as to what you are to do, obey without question. Put all your trust in My promise.
Don't doubt because I can see through your heart and mind. Believe in what you are set to do and do it well because by doing so gives Me honor and glory. Do not be dissuaded by your human perception of how things are to be done. Don't listen to friends' advices even if they are well meaning because they don't know what you have been assigned to do.
Trust in Me and yourself. Your mission is your own, no one else can do it for you because you all have different assignments in My kingdom. Obey what you've been instructed to do and I will reward you according to your faith.
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