Friday, April 29, 2011

Your rope, My cross

Having to do things against our will is always difficult to finish, there will always be excuses and reasons not to do them. But then, there is a "pull" that we can't resist, an inner voice that urges us to pick up where we left. Sometimes, it will only be for a few days or at times a few years but then it is where we have left that we start all over again.

Makes me think that our mission in life had been predestined long before we were born, the rope laid out for us that will take us back to the heavenly Father have been prepared specifically for us and our mission to bring others to Him.

I pray that I will stop grumbling,complaining and doubting and just take up the rope that was meant for me.
Persistence is undergoing several attempts to achieve your goal despite so many trials. Although, you give up for a time or a spell, it is always taking up again to start with a new vigor, a new leash bigger and stronger to make it to the end.

Don't give up easily and throw your rope because you are attached to Me. However heavy it will become, know that it is attached to Me. Even if you feel that there is a slack, that you are alone in your struggle, know that I've allowed you to carry it all alone because you've been strengthened to carry it by yourself. It means I can trust you now to carry your burdens, your load of responsibility.

Do not be alarmed easily and misunderstand that I've left you, I am by your side always, smiling and proud of what you have become. Pull harder at the rope that I have entrusted you with, it is still long, it has to reach so many souls. Sometimes, the rope will be soft and smooth, other parts will be slimy or coarse, don't squirm with distaste or complain about its roughness, I have purposely made it that way for you to grow in strength and to increase your faith and trust in Me.

See, for every person entrusted with a mission, you have a rope that is directly attached to Me. Can't you see how special you are to Me? Because I am aware how difficult your paths will be, so there has to be a direct connection so I can feel every tug and pull, when you put it down and abandon your rope and when you pick it up again. It is always there, waiting for you to pick it up again.

Your rope, My cross, I have made things lighter and easier for you, My friend. Pick up your rope once again and follow Me.


Contemplation is a deep meditation on My Word, events in your life relating to it, your realization to its truthfulness and the impact it has on you. My Word, is a living reminder of how life ought to be lived. The way to a fruitful, abundant and righteous living. If done daily, contemplation and meditation can reconnect you to the Higher Being, Me, because it delights Me to see someone truly desiring to fathom My Words, eager to get to know Me, the author of life.

It is through the stillness of the mind that I come to speak to My children. Not the heart because it can only feel. The mind process what I speak about so you will understand and your heart will rejoice that at last you are one with Me, no longer feeling the emptiness, the dull ache of wanting to have someone to love, the missing link in your lives.

Truly, if you spend more time to get to know Me, I will reveal more things to you and give you more graces. But, with it comes the responsibility that you share the good news so that others will hopefully follow what you are doing. Today the world is full of people longing for something to gratify their "emptiness." Thinking it's power, material wealth or success they burn themselves out in order to be judged as somebody who have succeeded in business, real estate or corporate world. They don't realize yet that the emptiness in their life, is lack of Me.

I am the energy that puts you together and as you get farther and farther from the source, you'll get Low Batt. You have to recharge time and again, not through vacations where you spend it on going places, drinking and having fun with family and friends but through prayers, contemplation of My Word. Through them, you will find spiritual strength and be recharged.

Going on retreats or recollections is very good for the soul. One should be encouraged to attend one, once or twice a year. It is a break from the world's hustle and bustle into the silence and contentment of being with Me. You will become supercharged then and be invigorated to work for My glory, giving Me honor and praise through your work.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Friendship is a fellowship of kindred spirits who finds time to be with each other and understand each other's idiosyncracies. It is always humble, forgiving and patient. It does not domineer over the other, considerate always of the others preference and judgment.

When you are with friends, you feel at home with them, you let down your hair as they say, but, beware, you also have to be circumspect in their company, don't give too much of yourself away. Like a husband and wife relationship, one should have a mystery of one's life so that there's a little wonderment every time to make the relationship interesting.

You are all human beings, expect something to change and expect that you will be turned off one day with a behavior or actuation that you didn't expect to see from your friend. Trust me, all of you have those and you will be surprised if you know your friends the way they really are, you wouldn't have befriended them.

People tend to show their best foot forward, to attract other people, to make friends. The dirty and ugly "foot" is hidden to be occasionally shown or let slip a few times. If the friendship holds, well and good, if not, then you make friends with someone who can accept you the way you showed yourself up to others.

Nothing is constant in this world, friendship is like shifting sand in the seashore. It changes every time the tide comes in and draws out. Don't pin your hopes that your friendship will last forever. Some of it will, some, rather most of it will be like the sand that is taken by the waves as it rolls in and out of your shoreline. With some friends, let go like the seashore who doesn't hold back the sand on its coastline. See, how beautiful they become with the washing of the tide.

You will find friends that are really true and loyal to you, kindred spirits who understand each other's folly and inane actions. Keep friends who love Me as well, because with that love, your friendship will be stronger.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today, contentment is difficult to achieve if we gauge what we possess to the ever changing, fast paced commercialism of what we must have to be considered "IN" or part of a group. From cellphones, gadgets down to shampoos we are bombarded with commercials showing us the latest, trendiest must haves unconsciously creating a yearning to have that thing, that look, that the world seem to have a fancy for the moment. This frenzy to buy the latest, the best and the most "IN" thing will ultimately drive some of us to the wall one day. And, will the advertisers care? the owners? Nah, they won't, because we are just unfortunate pawns in their business plans to enrich themselves so that they will have the latest, the best and the "mostest" among their peers.
Contentment is putting oneself in My providence and learning to trust in Me that I will provide for all your needs. Don't entertain doubts in your minds and in your hearts because I can see through them. Total abandonment and total surrender to my will require the abandonment of your dependency on your skills, on other people, it is just you and I.

This is a good measure of your faith and trust in Me. Let's see how far you will walk with me without a clear sign of where you are going. Let's see if you will give me your hand and allow Me to lead your way.

In today's world, everything is set in plans, missions, visions, objectives and truly glorify the persons who have set those standards, those guidelines for corporate success. Really? what good will their mission and vision be if I wash them away today? I have let them be, I have let them be proud of themselves, of their successful formula, the authors have made millions out of their business strategy. But, does it really work for all? No, there are factors that are not incorporated in these so called, business strategies, they did not include my participation, my consent to their plans. I am the world's owner and I am not included in their consideration. How foolish could that be?

Contentment can never be achieved based on the world's standards that are set by men who have increasing sense of greatness every year, every quarter, every month, every day. No, these people whose targets keep on rising will be on the way to brokenness before they know it. They are chasing the wind who blows in whatever direction I command them to. Who can control the wind? Only I can command the wind to be still or make them race like wild horses to cause up a storm. If only people will realize the importance of having ME in their lives, they will not drive themselves to death due to stress.

There is also another thing about the poor's supposedly contentment in their lives. It is a sin, not to work saying they will depend on their fate. As if I wanted my children to die of poverty. No, this is absolutely wrong. In the first place, some of these poor people, don't even know Me, don't even bother to get to know Me. They allow themselves to be pulled into the quagmire of poverty because they are lazy. They depend on other people for their living, they gamble for their lives, they don't want to try to get out of their rut because they think it is the obligation of the government and other institutions to give them something to make them live. That is why it is always best to teach them how to fish than just to give them the fish.

These people will never be contented because they will always be in want, always begging. This is so wrong, another ideology that has to be erased from them.
I don't know why they would settle for squalor and not try to break away from the group that keeps them together in their dire need. I would be dearly happy, if they will come to me, if they will pray and not spend their time gambling, drinking, gossiping.

So much to do with Me but they never come to ask Me, to seek My help. They ask other people who will just use them, another cycle of oppression. A fool leading another fool.

Contentment is having Me in your lives. It is depending on my providence with total trust and submission of your will. It is Me, who can provide you with all your needs, guidance and inspiration. I am the only guru who can lead you into contentment and success for am I not the Lords of Lord?

Monday, April 25, 2011


Belief in Me is a personal relationship that grows over time. You can't believe in a person if you haven't known him well. Slowly, as you get to know each other, trust is built along the way of friendship. The same is true with me. As you slowly begin to understand and follow my way, your experience leads you to trust me. The sacraments, your prayer, your study of My Word brings you closer to me because you earnestly seek to get to know Me. And so, I open your senses to experience what most people can't.

How I long for my children to come to Me, to get to know their Father, the creator of everything they are enjoying. I would be very pleased and gratified. But, they just like the superficial not the supernatural, only a few have a true desire to reconnect with the flame that hovers over them night and day, 24/7. Why? They seem to think I am not worth the effort, not worth their time to explore and read My Word, be in church attentively, listen to my priest. They are just in a hurry to do their Sunday obligation. I am just an obligation to get through every Sunday, like a matinee show to be attended, just a routine with family, boyfriends, girlfriends, not really an innate desire to spend time with me.

How I miss my errant children. They don't even realize that I am spanking them when they have difficulties, they just shrug their shoulders, life goes on unless they get so sick or someone in the family gets so sick or suffers a tragedy that would really shake their material world, then and only then will they bow down their heads, kneel and pray to their invisible God.

Do I have to do that? Do I like my children to suffer so badly? No, I don't but that's the only way for them to call on Me, only at the most tragic moment will their hearts be open to my embrace.

I am the last recourse, but then it is always too late and then they demand for a miracle. Ohhhhh! Sometimes, if they are truly repentant, there is a miracle, oftentimes the path they have chosen will lead to an end but at least, they have reconciled with Me.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spiritual gifts

The first and only time I experienced unexplainable, exquisite joy that moved me to tears of happiness was when I received the gift of tongues way back in 1985-1986. I was a skeptical onlooker to a prayer group whose members were being prayed over for what I don't exactly recall. Maybe, they were asking for the Holy Spirit to give them the gift of tongues because suddenly a member will chatter in uncomprehensible language. I sat apart from the group with arms crossed over my body unconsciously defensive.

Suddenly, someone came over and asked if they can try to pray over me. After hesitating for a moment, I conceded silently offering a prayer to God for protection. While they laid their hands over me and prayed, I felt a rush of coolness and warmth that produced an exquisite feeling of joy, then I mumbled something I couldn't understand. They were all happy that I can speak in tongues, a newcomer. I don't know if I was ecstatic with the gift but all I remember and yearn for to this today is the feeling of pure joy coursing through my veins.

The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to those who sincerely ask, they may not be spotless from the start but have a sincere intention to change their lives and be with me. The gift comes without a fancy show of thunder and lightning, it happens silently, unobtrusively, you will not know it until you realize it by yourself.

Don't be alarmed, just accept it with gratitude and use it for what it was intended. Be humble and don't boast of it because it might be taken back from you.

Easter and Confession

It's Easter once again, am I a better person than last year? I would like to think so, but am I really? After a long time of not participating in the Lenten activities of our parish, I went to attend the Easter Vigil ceremonies last night. Being part of a worshiping community that commemorates our belief in the Catholic faith gives an uplifting feeling that made me feel sad for missing the activities in our church in the previous years.

How many out there chose to go out for a good time instead of celebrating the Holy Week as it should? Sadly, I was one of them before. A passive Catholic, limiting myself to Sunday Masses, the occasional novenas and Holy Rosary - not really involved, like an outsider looking in on something routinary. An observer, a critic but not an active member of a community of believers.

Time to change that, there is so much that we miss in not taking part in our church activities. Be an active follower of Christ and reignite our commitment to love and serve Him with all our hearts, mind, soul and strength.

Message for today:

He is Risen! Jesus rose from the dead, the immortal Savior from being man made immortal in His death and resurrection. A transformation similar to a change in life from being a sinner becoming sinless. True repentance brings that grace, if you truly ask pardon and ask for help in changing your life, grace will be given so that you will have the strength to overcome the weakness that led you into sin. Sincere and true repentance brings about a total change in someone's life and perspective.

Frequenting the confessional often with the same venial sins is not a sign of a sincere repentance. Why do you keep on doing something that is sinful? Because you do not understand the grace of repentance. The confessional is just a routine, a show to the world that, "hey I am confessing my sins, I do as they say," but the real motive of the confessional is for you to become aware of your sins and truly know its implication to your life.

Venial sins when repeatedly done will create an impact to your life unknowingly. It will become a habit that marks your character.

Confession should not be taken lightly. When you are penitent, when you do your penance, it is a promise not to do the same thing again, a promise to change and sin no more of the same offense. But what happens in the confessional? It is like a routine garble of the same sins, one could say, "my sins, Father are the same as my last confession."

Is there repentance there? No! The sacrament of Reconciliation and repentance should not be taken lightly. It is about time that it should be stressed that the confessional is like the tomb that you come out of from your own resurrection. Your resurrection, a new life, a new leaf, a new chapter - a triumphant change from bad to good.

Sadly, that is not what happens, the miracle of transformation does not occur because the sinner takes his sins lightly, thinking it is alright because I just confess my sins and then I'll be okay. NO, every grave act of sinfulness is to be accounted for. Nothing that is done wrongly will be forgotten in heaven. Every misdeed will be reflected in your life, don't take sins lightly.

Although, you've been saved from the fires of hell by my Son, you have to face retribution for every confessed and unconfessed sins that you weren't truly repentant. Make an examination of conscience and see if you have tiny sins of mischief that you haven't truly conquered and repented. Words, actions, thoughts that hurt anyone are sins that you have to be sorry for.

Be kind and loving always like my Son, that is the road to righteousness. Be serious about your confession, don't make it a habit, it is a sacrament to be taken seriously with a truly repentant heart to be truly transformed into a new self, a new beginning.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I've been praying for qualities of goodness, knowledge of God, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, love, justice, mercy, humility, compassion and a kind, tender heart and forgiving spirit so that I will become a saint like my namesakes, St. Therese of the Child Jesus, St. Teresa of Avila and the soon to be saint, Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Lofty ambition, huh? But, i really want to become one because I want to be in heaven when it is time for me move on. My family will probably die laughing if they know I want to become a saint because I don't have saintly virtues, far from it because I am short on patience especially with my mother.

Still have a long way to go before even being considered for beatification but I will continue praying and struggling to become close to being a saint. To hear the words, "well done, good and faithful servant" will truly make my day someday!

Patience is a virtue that the Holy Spirit gives to those who ask. Ask then, so it will be given to you. Once in your heart, nourish and nurture it so it will grow and not go away.

You know, everything in your character has to be nurtured and taken cared of. Goodness has to be consciously practiced so that it will continue to be with you. For if you take it for granted and try to do something else it will eventually fade away.

Notice some whom you know as somebody good then was changed because of their newly found wealth? That is goodness not put into practice. You have to be consciously aware of what you are doing and don't stifle the little voice warning you that, "ooppss, you are straying from the clear line, you are crossing over."

Yes, my child being good and being kind and loving, living the virtues requires effort to perfect them. Use them everyday consciously and it will bear fruit. One day, it will just be second nature to you. For now, don't despair when you occasionally slip, no one's perfect.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Remebering the crucifixion

Today, we commemorate the gruesome death of Jesus on a cross between thieves. How humiliating it must have been to die in such a way knowing you have the power to strike them all down, if He wanted to. How awesome to ponder the great love the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have for people who seemingly don't deserve such a great sacrifice. How obedient it was of Jesus to do His Father's will in spite of His great fear for His coming ordeal.

Jesus' way is not easy to follow but with God's grace nothing is impossible.
I am speaking to you as Jesus, the One who was crucified and pierced. My heart cries out for you my brothers to come to me through my Sacred Heart. I endured all humiliation to fulfill God's saving plan for each of you, don't let it fall to waste.

Come, come closer, see, my heart is throbbing with excitement with your nearness, it overflows with joy that finally you are here with Me. Move closer still and feel my love, be warmed and be comforted with my love.

Through Me and My sacrifice, the Father has set you free. Can't you understand our love for you? Don't you realize how lucky and blessed you are? Come closer still, be still in my presence, feel the warmth of our embrace.

You are saved! Don't despair, all your sins were forgiven, start a new life, think of the cross and follow me. We have so much to do, there are still so many who do
not believe, so many who are suffering not knowing the truth. The truth as Pilate
asked, is Me saving the whole world from the condemnation of their sins.

I was sent to save everyone, I drank the cup of humiliation, sorrow and pain to
save worthless people who wanted me crucified but they didn't know what they were doing. They didn't know it was God's plan all along.

For years these people felt sorrow and fear because of what they did. Their conscience bothered them so that they became a part of my excruciating death.
These same people proclaimed me their King and after a few days wanted me to be crucified with thieves in exchange of a very well known thief of their time!

What a shameful race, they hid their faces to the world for a long time in shame.
They crucified the King whom they have waited for so long. What a disgrace they
have felt, a laughing stock among nations. So, they still wander, these people of
mine disgraced of what they have done.

Israel is not my chosen nation, the people, the holy ones were dispersed because
of that day in fear of their lives. But, one day they will all be gathered in one place, not in Israel but in a place we have chosen.

All will be assembled to see my resurrection from the dead memories of those
who have forgotten that I, Jesus died for everyone to save them from their sins. In
this moment, a great quake will rock the earth and split it into two. The chasm
you'll see will be the place for those who didn't believe the message of repentance. The fires of hell will engulf them like devouring dragons. Every
hideous creature will crawl out to feast on their flesh and the cries of mourning and howling in pain will fill the earth. The stench of their burning flesh will fill the air.

No one who has sinned against my Sacred Heart will be spared. What a gruesome day it will be. Those who will be spared of this miserable death will quake with fear, horror will grip their hearts, sorrow will parch their throats, eyes continually shedding tears dried up with the heat emanating from the flames. How broken they will become to see family and friends being dragged by hideous creatures to their pits. Although they try to stop them, the victorious enemy will drag their captives relentlessly. No, don't stop them or you will be dragged down together into the burning, smelly pit of condemnation.

When this happens, stay where you are and pray. Close your eyes to my punishment for not believing in my crucifixion, for not believing there is a God who made the earth he lived in, for believing in himself so much, he forgot he is nothing in this world. For that grave sin, he will perish in hell.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Still on loving

Today is Holy Thursday, we remember how Jesus humbled himself before His disciples by washing their feet to show His love for them and to give an example of the kind of service they should give for each other. No one is greater than the other. We are all equal in the eyes of God. Positions and status in life should not blind us to the responsibility that we have to help one another. We all belong to one Shepherd.
Love is the passion of the cross, just like Jesus who endured humiliation and pain
such should be your love for each other. Don't give up easily on your love ones.
Persevere in loving although you would like to go on living without the other.
Continue praying for each other. Never put a person down because you find that
you are no longer able to live with him. Pray for enlightenment, renewal and

Love is not like a toy that you discard when it has no interest for you anymore.
Love is ever present in your hearts don't block it with your self-confessed
righteousness. No one is righteous before my eyes, so you should help one another in finding that love back.

Love never ceases to hope for their love ones. It never despairs until it gives up. It maybe frustrating but always remember the Passion of the cross, such is my love
and passion for my people.

Did I ever turn my back on you? Did I forsake you? No, I never did, I always give
second chances, more chances that you can count for everyone to the point that I
am being taken for granted.

Love is generous with praise and stingy with criticism as I've said. Do not say
anything that will insult or hurt anyone especially when it comes to physical and
mental differences. Keep it to yourself and ask for my pardon if it entered your
head to make fun of these people, they are my children too. Don't ridicule them or
say something in jest that will put an ache in their hearts.

Love everyone disfigured or not, simpleton or wise. They are worth loving because I am in them. Don't choose who to love.

Gather everyone for me, I miss my children, my flock. Don't segregate the black
from the white, the spotted from the pure, they are all mine. All efforts should be
done to gather everyone to me, their Shepherd.

Love no one that despises Me, stay away from them because the evil one has entered their minds. I will deal with these people in my time. For now, love everyone, take care of each other because you are my flock.

Promises and crucifixion

Peter said he will never deny knowing the Lord but ended up denying Him three times before the cock crowed just as Jesus foretold. It caused him great pain and he wept bitterly over his failure. Promises are easy to say but difficult to do.
When saying a promise to Me, don't be too hasty with your words, unsure if you can back them up with actions because it will cause you great distress and to the one you promised if you will have to eat your words someday. If you have to promise especially to Me make sure it is doable. Don't promise the sky because you are earth dwellers unless you plan to transfer to the heavens without my knowledge.

Keep your words simple, so that it will be easy to do. Don't make an oath to Me, I don't ask you to, because I know your weaknesses. Just obey my commands moment to moment, and I would be pleased.

Salvation comes from the cross, the crucifixion of my Son, not through your promises. Jesus already died for you to save you from your sins. He has redeemed you with His own blood and that is enough.

I do not require anyone to do more than that or crucify himself too because there is no use for undergoing such great experience of torture and shame. They never could truly experience what my Son undergo at His time. They are making it a show, a feat of their strength. No, no that is so wrong, they are doing it the wrong way. After their crucifixion, what is their life? Do they live according to my wishes or do they continue living in their sinful ways? This practice should not be encouraged and propagated, for no one will save his life by putting himself on a cross. Only Jesus can save all of you.

The Catholic church should put a stop to this spectacle. It is embarrassing that they should allow this spectacle, the people no longer come to remember my Passion but to watch the impostors who have been paid to be crucified in a cross. Such commercialism have truly penetrated their culture. The evil one has infiltrated the minds of these people to make light the great sacrifice of my Son.

These people who would like to be nailed to the cross are nothing but scene stealers. They want to be stars of the show, a holy show that my Son acted on so many years ago. It is profane that these sinners should attempt to steal the show from my Son.

Do they think they can save themselves by being nailed on the cross? Do they think their sins will be washed away with their sacrifice? NO, NO, NO! As I said, only the precious blood of my Son can cleanse and wash away the sins of the world. These pretenders and scene stealers should be stopped.

Better that they go to church and confess their sins and make good of their lives by following my precepts. For after my Son's death, I only require obedience from my people. No fancy roadshow of repentance like flipping their backs with whips. It is immaterial now, everything had been done by my Son.

You only have to obey.

Monday, April 18, 2011


This is the message I received for today:
Love is like a flower that needs to be nourished and taken cared of, it doesn't spring forth without tender loving care. Although, there are flowers that just break out from a plant, that in itself is a gift that you must cherish.

Love is always patient and kind, so love your mother always even though you feel she doesn't love you. Look at it as a love investment bank, keep on loving even if you don't feel like it and soon your love will overflow without you knowing it.

This love will spread to everyone you deal with, that is my love, that is the way to my Sacred Heart. It is not easy I know, but you have to clean your head of prejudices and social standing, each of you are the same in my eyes. Do not feel superior above the rest because you serve me, the more you should be humbled because aren't you a sinner that has been given a special privilege in my presence?

Humility is the greatest virtue in today's age and times because so much is put into value in material and worldly possessions and knowledge that the possession of them all tends to make one boastful. Think of this and realize your mistake.

Do not ever put yourself above the rest or set yourself apart from the rest because I have given you the privilege to serve me, No, the more you should mingle and spread my Word and my love to your neighbors so that they will know me.

What good will it be to give these messages if no one will know them? Preach, evangelize and share the Good News of my Kingdom, let them know they are my children too irregardless of physical and social stature. Jesus died for all of my children, you are all my own. Don't let them turn their back on their legacy, what a great loss it would be for them.

Love perseveres even if it appears to have withered, it persists to grow in parched land although it is dying of thirst, that is my love for all of you. A love that keeps on waiting patiently for you to be remembered. That is the longing that you feel, the emptiness that makes you think you have to love someone. That is my love calling out for you, to be recognized, to be felt, that is ME, your Father in heaven.

See, i just wait for everyone of my children to respond to my call. It took you how many years to register what it is that made you feel empty. Can you imagine if all of you takes almost half of their life to know me? I am an empty nester, my children have desserted me for worldly goods that perish and disappear, because they don't realize my importance yet.

The Giver, the Healer, the Provider, the Refuge, the Strength is forgotten in their pursuits of worldly goals and ambitions. They pray to me like in a game, not really knowing but just presuming that I am there to grant their latest needs and wants. What a shame these children have become, ungrateful bitches and whores who sell their bodies and dignity to enrich their lives and adorn their bodies with worldly treasures. What a shame they have become.

But, still I wait. One day, I will call them to their senses and they will weep and gnash their teeth in sorrow for offending Me, their Father and making others cry in their quest for worldly ambitions. Everything will be accounted for.

Take heed, take heed of my voice and repent of your evil ways. Prepare for my Son's coming, lest you get caught in His wrath. For He will be the judge, your Savior. whatever He condemns, I will condemn, whoever He saves, will be saved. It all depends on you, so prepare and follow His ways.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Way

I am the Lord your rock and salvation, he who follows shall never be afraid of traps set out before him because I have walked ahead of him. Do not limit your actions because of fear, fear is the enemy you must conquer. A heart filled with my love should have no room for fear in their hearts. An empowered person never has to worry nor fear, the power that fills him comes from me. Do not be afraid to carry your cross and follow me.

The road may be bumpy and rough but it leads to my Father's house, where glory awaits His faithful and loyal servants. This is your goal to be inside my Father's house, do not deviate from that goal. Keep going even if the struggles may be too much to bear. Know that in your weakness, my greatness will come to glory. Yes, I am the giver of life, the source of your salvation, whoever trusts me need not fear.

Do not be afraid, cast out the enemy of fear from your heart. Worry is a second cousin of fear, it doesn't give you something good by worrying it only adds up to your fear and choke the will to live and survive. Don't ever submit yourself to fear and worry, they are instruments of the evil one to lead you astray from me, your Father, your rock and salvation.

The evil one ensnares you with doubt, leading you to a trap so you will succumb unknowingly to his evil ways. When worry and fear grips your heart and soul, cry out to me, your Savior and Guide. Be still, and listen to my answer to your cry for I the Lord of the universe will provide the answer to your needs.

Don't you believe that I can provide your needs? Miracles are not always needed to answer your call, I have instruments who will bear my message for you. Be alert, be aware of the uncommon in the common things that happen around you for I am there. Don't close your eyes to my reply.

Call on the Holy Spirit to enlighten your mind and your heart to my answer. My child, I care for each and everyone of you. I wait to listen to your voice, waiting to hear from you always.

Come, do not be afraid to walk with me. I will carry you to a part of your journey but when I have made you strong, I will set you down on your feet so you can walk with me again. Do not be afraid, keep your focus on me.

Do not delay for the evil one might capture the ones I would like you to minister. I need so many intercessors but they are afraid, they don't want to sacrifice their their time and end their worldly ambitions for what I want them to do.

Attachment to worldly things will hinder the journey with me. Sadly, so many chose to walk his path of the material world where riches rot and disappear. But, in time they will still be use for my glory. In my time they will come to serve Me too, just like you.

This is my message for you and everyone who are afraid to let go and what they have been used to. Afraid to let go of the comfort they have known for the discomfort and the uncertainty of the unknown, but you know that I am the God of certainty and love, if you walk with me, I won't lead you astray, I will lead you to the light and my mansion in heaven.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Palm Sunday reflections

It's Palm Sunday, which is the peak of the Catholics' faith according to Fr. Joey Faller of the Talitha Kum TV healing mass. His sermon was enlightening and thought provoking but his remark about the donkey made an impact in my memory. Enough to make me recall it, that is.

He said while re-enacting Jesus entry to Jerusalem on a donkey, he felt the joyous occasion as the people waved their palms as he walked to the chapel and then inside the church were ladies laid on the floor colorful scraps of cloth or shawl for him to walk on. He thought that perhaps the donkey in Jesus' time felt flattered about the attention and adulation that the people showed that he forgot about his rider.

At times, we can be like that. The ass in us forgets the Giver of our gifts and blessings that we strut and preen as if we accomplished everything we are proud of all by ourselves.

May we always remember the Rider that gives our asses the drive to move and accomplish much for His praise and glory.
This is the message for today.

Salvation comes from the cross, through the blood that I shed you were born again, freed from sin, cleaned and washed with my own blood. It was a very great price to pay for the Son of Man to endure, He who is my only Son made man had to disown His own divine glory to signify my great love for my people. People who in turn don't love me as much. What wretched people they have become, how ungrateful my children are.

So, my parents don't be hurt if your children are not as loving, are not as grateful as you wish they are, because you have been the same to me. It is a repetitive cycle in human nature that has been foretold from ages past.

Let your grieving and saddened heart look at the cross and empathize with my feelings, a broken Father who gave up everything He had to save His children but in return was forsaken. Take heed in my sacrifice to love you, so that you will love your children more. Do not be discouraged, just keep on praying for their change of hearts and redemption and in the process you will change and realize your role as a responsible parent.

You will be the example, the role model for them to follow, so watch everything you say and do, lest they emulate what should not be. Be generous with praise and stingy with criticism, for like a plant, your children nourish with love and care will become a strong and fruitful plant, but, if taken for granted will wither and die away.

Take care of the children I gave you for they are extensions of my spirit like you all are. Take care of life because it is mine too.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The gathering

The Bible readings for today are about gathering the people of Israel from wherever they were dispersed. The good shepherd will call his flock to one sheepfold, no more will they wander and be lost in the voice of a false shepherd.

The Catholic church is universal, meaning from all over because I will gather everyone who is mine, where the seed of my Father was implanted in their hearts, the sheep from my sheepfold. This is the time of gathering or winnowing the wheat from the chaff. That will be the end sign of the Catholic church, the end of your time, another phase of history will begin.

As you can see, it is difficult to do this because there are so many ideologies being put into practice from people who think they are right in their perception of my kingdom. How can they be right if they interpret my words in their human perspective?

There are many false prophets and I grieve that so many people are deceived into believing their falsehood. A time will come, when their falsity will be exposed and my children will be set free from their bondage.

There will be no more denominations in the Christian world, only one Catholic church, this is Israel in modern times. My false prophets in the Catholic church who have led my flock astray, will be persecuted and it is beginning right now. The hands of time for justice will reach them. Nowhere can they hide, for whatever is hidden will be exposed.

This should be the reason for everyone not to commit sin, a deterrent not to disobey my precepts and my laws because everything will be laid bare when the right time comes. It maybe not in this lifetime but everything will be uncovered and your descendants will bear the brunt of shame and despair.

Take heed of my words and follow the right path.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Lord and my God

I am the Lord, your God, he who follows me shall never walk in darkness and will live in abundance. It does not mean however, that you will not meet challenges in your journey. They are there to strengthen you, to deepen your faith and trust in me. Whenever you encounter them, just pray to me and it shall come to pass. For nothing in this earth is eternal except my love for you.

Live with love in your hearts although it is not easy to love everyone but let it be your guide and your standard. Do not choose whom to love, they are all like you, my children. Although, some have been ensnared by the enemy, it is them that I send to you. Look after them and bring them back to me.

For one repentant sinner brings so much joy and glory in heaven.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I was contemplating on the Bible commentaries about truth in the gospel of John
when these thoughts came to me:
The truth is me being your Father, the Lord of the universe and Jesus, my Son who I sent to save the world and the Holy Spirit who gives life to you. We are the truth, the Holy Trinity. If you believe that we are one in three Divine Persons, then you are in truth and is living in it. If you refuse to believe this first divine truth, then all else is false in you.

The second truth is that Jesus, son of God became man so that He will save you from your sins. He has already redeemed mankind from the slavery of sin, so the evil one no longer have power in you unless you allow him to. If everyone knows this, they will no longer be enslaved by the evil one. Unfortunately, they don't really believe this.

To believe is to follow Jesus' way of life, a life of loving kindness to everyone
around Him, rich or small in society's eyes, there is no distinction because they are all my children. It is a way of life not easy to take. Yes, His words were of
transcendental values-out of this world, difficult to grasp for those whose eyes have not been opened by the Holy Spirit.

The third truth is the Holy Spirit. He is the flame in you, the spark that prompts you to do what I want, the conscience which condemns you if you have done something against my will. The Holy Spirit that animates your life and gives life to your body and bones. Without Him, you will perish.

These are the divine truths. To believe one and not the other is to live in sin.

Why don't they make the sign of the cross? Because they don't acknowledge the Three Divine Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which is a lie that they must correct if they want to live in truth.


Truth is not a set of concepts or ideas to believe in, it is a person to follow.. Jesus.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


There are times, a time like this when I am no longer sure what I am supposed to do. To obey an inner calling or pursue what is practical in the light of this financially trying season of my life.

Working to have money to pay the bills and all the necessary daily expenses is the most rational thing to do but there are things that I have to do which blocks my efforts to work as I like.

Faith in believing that God will provide for me as long as I will obey His commands is warring with logical reason. The words, "Do not be afraid" and "Trust Me" are words that I hold on to desperately as I struggle between God's assurance and human logic.

To serve God or to please my family, that is my struggle. To serve God is what is in my heart but if it causes discord in the family, it becomes an arduous task.

Maybe that is the reason why priests are better off single than married because if family concerns will bother them they can not focus in serving God. The saying, "You cannot serve two masters at the same time" is very true because you will either love or hate one over the other.

It is said that it is a sin to live in falsehood, to become attached to one's own judgment is to persist stubbornly in a certain pride that deprives oneself of God's guidance which is all knowing and eternal.

I had been driven by impulses which made me quick with decisions which was what the corporate world demanded. Now, I know impulses are not the smartest way to come to a decision. God should always be consulted in important or trivial matters because whatever we decide affects the people around us not only for the moment but in the next days to come.

So now, what will I do? I will pray for enlightenment and try to accomplish what He wants me to do for Him. Although God is a God of many chances, I cannot be like Jonah all the time and persist with what I like to accomplish.

To struggle with God's order is folly, when can it really penetrate my human mind?

Monday, April 11, 2011

The bronze serpent and the cross

When the Israelites complained again against Moses and God why they were taken out of Egypt to just die in the wilderness and eat the tasteless manna that God provided for them, God sent fiery serpents that bit them and made so many people die.

Remorseful of their complaints, they asked Moses to plead to Yahweh that the serpents be taken away. Yahweh heard their plea and ordered Moses to make a bronze serpent so that anyone who was bitten will only have to look at the direction of the bronze serpent to be spared from death.

In their time, the bronze serpent was a symbol for healing and living. In our time, our symbol is the cross. We only have to be continually reminded that Jesus died for our salvation, for us to be freed of earthly worries and enjoy eternal life.

Jesus saved us from our sins which are not merely the bad things we do and say to others and not doing the things that we ought to do but it also include closing our lives to God's help when we become so engrossed with our problems and the human means to solve it.

When we live a life apart from God, we eventually will perish just like withered branches that eventually die when cut off from the tree that nourish it.

The bronze serpent and the cross are symbols of God's never ending love and compassion for His people. May we always remember to look at it's direction to be reminded that God sent His only Son to save us from the death caused by our sins.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sometimes, distractions take you away from what God wants you to do and become a source of irritation and discord with the people around you. Though you try to be calm and unmoved outside, the inner struggle has affected the focus and mindset that you once had.

Though you grit your teeth in exasperation for being laid back once more with your plans and try to start all over again, it's not the same anymore. Someone pricked your balloon with a pin and made it burst.

Pray for patience, patience and more patience and the wisdom to know what God wants you to know from the situation. Is there a message for you here that was overlooked because of your irritation? Is there a reason why you are being delayed?

They say things happen for a reason, so what is the reason? To know it requires the grace of the Holy Spirit because it is only through the eyes and ears of God that we see what we are supposed to see and hear what we are supposed to hear.

Oh God to be able to see and hear your message beyond our human temper is grace indeed!