Monday, December 12, 2011

God's Call

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

May I learn to listen
To God’s voice
In the trials He sends my way
To catch my attention
That have wandered far away

Message for Dec. 2, 2011.
Challenges either strengthen your resolve to overcome it or weaken your resolve and give up. When you are faced with situations or conditions that seem to be super unsurmountable, stop struggling, leave it for a moment and come to Me. 

It may be that I want to call your attention, but you wouldn’t listen, so I sent you something that will make you remember Me.  Listen, pray and listen to My will, you maybe going in the wrong direction, or its not the proper way to do the task that was entrusted to you. Discern when a challenge is meant to give you a lesson for future struggles and when it is a call for you to listen to Me.

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