Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Be Firm With Your Decisions

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I may not conform to the world’s views
But as long as I know what is right from wrong
Nothing and no one can persuade
Me to change my mind

Message for  Dec. 13, 2011.
Duplicity in character is never good for an individual and for relationships. It is like a shade that blends well with black and white, gray, the in-between.

Be firm with your decisions, stand by it, even if it means  becoming a laughing stock by those who don’t share your views.  Time will tell whether your decision was right or wrong, good or bad.  What is important is that you stood your ground despite the pressures exerted to make you change your mind.

Strength of character is measured by the firmness of one’s resolve to stand before what is right.

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