Monday, December 12, 2011

Complete Surrender

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

In complete surrender
I offer My life to Thee
My Lord and My God
My everything

Message for Dec. 8, 2011.
Totality in faith? What does it mean? It means you put down everything you know, everything you have in total surrender  to what I want you to do.  You just obey and listen to My instructions.

Give up your life to Me and listen. Make it a habit to have a time for Me before you start your day and before you go to sleep.  And in every moment of your day, take little breaks to ask for further instructions.  You don’t have to be obvious about it and let others notice you. 

Speak to Me in the silence of your hearts and your minds, you can talk to Me there and I will always guide, comfort, protect or provide you in whatever situation you are in.

Trust in Me and have faith.

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