Wednesday, December 14, 2011

God's Provision

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Nothing is impossible with the Lord
We only have to ask and we will receive
As long as we are obedient and follow His ways
He doesn’t give everything we ask though
If it won’t be good to us, He says, “No”

 Message for Dec. 14, 2011.
My provision is constant and abounding, My children only have to ask and they will live abundantly, as long as they obey My will and follow My precepts.  When you are separated from Me because of sin, you will experience  lack in your life that is not due to material things.  The emptiness that  you will feel will drive you to look for something to fill the void – drinks, parties, clothes, shoes, vices, etc., but it  cannot be filled with anything or anyone but My love.

Don’t you wonder why there are so many rich people who get depress when they have everything that the world can offer?  They are lonely despite all the grandeur, they feel empty despite all the things they possess.  Why?  Because, seldom do these rich people have a God to call on. They think with their affluence and power, that they are gods over their minions. 

When anyone reaches the top of material wealth possession, without acknowledging My assistance in their fortune, everything will be stripped away from them.  If they are so rich and they’ve become so selfish, not sharing with their less fortunate neighbors, one day everything they own will be taken away. 

It is very important to share with others because this is one of  the universal laws, to give and receive.  It is unhealthy to always give or always receive, because an imbalance will be created. Right now, the world is very unbalanced.  There are only a few who are very rich, and so many who are very poor.  The in-between, the middle class also have their structure, and it is also causing an imbalance. 

Man should work on lessening the gap between poverty and wealth.  Not just by giving donations, but by seeing to  it that their donations go to the rightful causes such as educating the masses and spreading the Good News about Me so that  everyone  will know that I am always here to help.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Be Firm With Your Decisions

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I may not conform to the world’s views
But as long as I know what is right from wrong
Nothing and no one can persuade
Me to change my mind

Message for  Dec. 13, 2011.
Duplicity in character is never good for an individual and for relationships. It is like a shade that blends well with black and white, gray, the in-between.

Be firm with your decisions, stand by it, even if it means  becoming a laughing stock by those who don’t share your views.  Time will tell whether your decision was right or wrong, good or bad.  What is important is that you stood your ground despite the pressures exerted to make you change your mind.

Strength of character is measured by the firmness of one’s resolve to stand before what is right.

Dealing With Delays

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Grin and bear it when unexpected delays
Cause you to slow down
The  reasons maybe  why you are
Still here now  

Message for Dec. 12, 2011.
Don’t fret over delays, they serve a reason. Don’t lose your cool because something waylaid your desired or structured plans.

There are delays that will pave the way for a better service, so that your business or personality will grow.

If you are held up on one project, look for other projects that you have neglected to do. That is their time to be given attention. Don’t waste your time whining and complaining, go to work and fill up your time with something good and beneficial.

Nurturing A Relationship

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Relationships grow with constancy
Of purpose,
Giving of time
Showing your love

 Message for Dec. 11, 2011.
When trouble comes,  you seek Me, when everything is fine, you forget Me. Is that right? Is that how you nurture a relationship? Make it grow?

Every time  you must be near at hand, always available, always connected, always ready to be at one’s side. Never forget someone when everything is going smoothly for you, because the other one might be experiencing the rough side and you are not there to lead a helping hand or a listening ear. 

Call from time to time, make yourself available to friends and family members. Let them know you care.  If you can do that to friends, I would also like to be included in your list of contacts.

Call on God All the Time

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

May I always remember to call on You, Lord
Every time, all the time, unceasingly
Every moment of my days

Message for Dec. 10, 2011.
Is it so difficult to trust in Me? Why does it take so hard to believe that I AM here to help you all the time?  You only have to call on Me, not only when there is trouble already and  when you encounter problems should you remember to call on My name. 

At the start of every thing that you do, call on Me for guidance.

I wonder why people tend to forget this very basic instruction. 

Intuition and Premonition

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

With the Holy Spirit’s guide I see
What could harm  me, friends and family
It is an unexplained, niggling doubt
That persists till I heed its shout

Message for Dec. 9, 2011.
Intuition can be developed in everyone if you know how to be still. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit for all so they will know the danger that might harm them. 

Early people have highly developed senses because it was a means to survive. Premonition and intuition  have the same purpose of  letting  you know in advance what is going to happen to you, your family, friends or your country. It all depends on what you see and feel. 

If you have premonitions that frighten you, just pray that it won’t happen. Prayer and repentance are the only means to stop a bad premonition.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Complete Surrender

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

In complete surrender
I offer My life to Thee
My Lord and My God
My everything

Message for Dec. 8, 2011.
Totality in faith? What does it mean? It means you put down everything you know, everything you have in total surrender  to what I want you to do.  You just obey and listen to My instructions.

Give up your life to Me and listen. Make it a habit to have a time for Me before you start your day and before you go to sleep.  And in every moment of your day, take little breaks to ask for further instructions.  You don’t have to be obvious about it and let others notice you. 

Speak to Me in the silence of your hearts and your minds, you can talk to Me there and I will always guide, comfort, protect or provide you in whatever situation you are in.

Trust in Me and have faith.

Keep Your Promise to God

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

A promise to my Lord
I must keep
To avoid His penetrating eyes,
 And I may weep

 Message for Dec. 7, 2011.
For everything you promise to do in My name, you will be held accountable, don’t promise Me anything then that you can’t keep because I will expect it to be done.

Say, “Yes” when you mean, “Yes” and “No,”  when you mean, “NO.”

Why, How and When

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

We always ask, “Why?” and “How?”
If life is not as pleasant as we want it to be
Stop for a moment your grumbling and whine
And ask yourself the question, “When?”

Message for Dec. 6, 2011.
When you have grown weary asking the “whys” and “hows” of your life, try answering the “when.” 

When was the last time you said, “I love you to your mother?”  when was the last time you gave to your neighbor?  When was the last time you were kind to a beggar? When was the last time you lovingly listened to your disgruntled brother? When was the last time you did not grumble and complain? When was the last time you gave praise and thanksgiving to My name?

The Passage of Time

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

The value of time
Is as precious as the moment gone
Not to be recovered
Forever lost

Message for Dec. 5, 2011.
Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, a moment is gone. Value time because you don’t have much of it left. For every time you pause for sleep and relaxation,  clocks don’t stop ticking, it goes on continuously and even if it stops because it has no more battery or due to a mechanical malfunction, the time on earth never ceases to roll on.

You can’t hold back time, or rewind it to where you want to reconstruct or repair where you went wrong.  That is all in the past, move on, you will be left behind.  Don’t hanker for something that is over, yearn for something that is coming and hope you will not be tempted to make the same mistakes in your past.

Always remember the lessons from  your past and use it for a tomorrow that is guided by the wisdom of the past. Don’t hold on to time, it just slips away, value every moment as if it is your last.

Good Words and Good Deeds

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Good words, good deeds
They must go together
For good words alone
Doesn’t do any better

Message for Dec. 4, 2011.
Being religious does not guarantee you a place in heaven. All the works and messages that you spread should be accompanied by good deeds. Without good deeds, the volunteer services you gave to church and other organizations serving your brethren, will be worthless. 

Don’t be like a parrot that just imitates the words of their masters. Be a doer of good deed always. Don’t let a day pass without at least one good deed for a friend, family or neighbor.  Good deeds does not only include giving alms, sharing your food, it is also spending time with those who are lonely.

Listening to someone is a good deed, especially if you share words of inspiration that will lift their spirits. Do not mistake the giving of time as unworthy, because time is very valuable. Remember, that it is not what you gave, but how you made a person feel that will be most remembered. 

In The Eyes Of A Child

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Children imitate what they see
Be careful then that what you do
Is always right and not
 Make a wrong, right

 Message for Dec. 3, 2011.
When people grow old, the senses are affected, the reasoning may not be as sharp as before.  You should be more tolerant with the elderly and treat them right.  Sometimes it is the time for their real selves to come out after a long time of suppression. It’s a feeling of being free to be what and who they really are, free at last of the constraints of motherhood or parenthood because the children are all growing up and have their lives of their own.

That is why it is important, very important that parents be their real selves with their children, so they will not confuse their children on what is right and what is wrong as they are growing. Parents who do lip service in saying what’s good and bad but belies their words, doesn’t do much in their child’s character building.

The doubt, the insincerity will affect the child’s judgment. Be truly yourself, teach love, act love. You must as a parent, live and breath love to avoid inconsistencies with your words and actions. Deliver the message of love the right way by setting a good example always! Remember, children just observe you all the time and imitate you. Don’t confuse them, be specific and spread love’s message.   

God's Call

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

May I learn to listen
To God’s voice
In the trials He sends my way
To catch my attention
That have wandered far away

Message for Dec. 2, 2011.
Challenges either strengthen your resolve to overcome it or weaken your resolve and give up. When you are faced with situations or conditions that seem to be super unsurmountable, stop struggling, leave it for a moment and come to Me. 

It may be that I want to call your attention, but you wouldn’t listen, so I sent you something that will make you remember Me.  Listen, pray and listen to My will, you maybe going in the wrong direction, or its not the proper way to do the task that was entrusted to you. Discern when a challenge is meant to give you a lesson for future struggles and when it is a call for you to listen to Me.

Work On Your Dreams

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Work on your dreams
Don’t let it go
When you give up
Your dreams won’t show

Message for Dec. 1, 2011.
Complacency is not good when you want to fulfill your dreams. You must constantly improve and educate yourself in everything that will help you attain your goals.  Don’t stick to old ways, modernize, make use of technology.

Don’t be like a horse that has no peripheral vision.  Look, observe, gain from the wisdom and fortune of others. Learn your lessons in every challenge. Don’t lose hope and give up. Because when you give up, you let loose of your dreams.

Life Is A Relay Race

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I’m on the right track
Chosen to do a role long before I was born
To continue a mission others have started
Destined to reach  a goal when  my life will end
 When I'm gone, someone will pick up the slack
and continue the relay race
until the Master says, “Stop!”

Message for Nov. 30, 2011.
Don’t wonder about people who just seem to drift away from your life, their role in your life or yours in them is over. Some of them will come back when there is a need for you to be together again.  Do not worry, do not feel deserted or betrayed, that is just how it is. Remember, that things happen for a reason and a season.

Let your life flow with the season, do not resist what is natural. Can you imagine if the earth will resist its own gravitational force? What will happen? Chaos will happen and that is what you do to your life when you resist something that has already been planned long before you were born.

Life is a cycle, a relay race, when one is through their lifetime, another will take his place, continuing what was started by so many who lived ahead of you many years ago. You may not know it, but you are in a track where somebody had started  a long, long time ago.

Just keep going and focus on Me, so that you won’t keep on being sidetracked and arrive at your destination post when it is time for you to go. Someone else will then pick up from where you have left and move forward. Every person, different roles, varying life spans but all in the same track.

Life Coaches

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Inner peace and calm I’ve achieved
In trusting God’s plan always as I live
The challenges and trials I’ve hurdled well
With His guidance there is no room for despair

Message for Nov. 29, 2011.
Life coaches become credible to those they are helping, if they have proven that they have handled  their lives well despite several challenges.  They are made credible with their personal badge of victory and success. It may not be materially visible, but, their victory  is in their inner selves, a sense of calmness and peace pervading through their body.

The successful life coach is a survivor of life’s jungle, wounded and scarred but victorious, a winner  of life’s journey.  They are there to help others who are lost, who have succumbed to despair, so that they will stand up and fight to live again.  Successful life coaches find pleasure in the number of lives they have helped to succeed with their journey. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Good Health and Our Mission

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Our body is God’s temple
We must take care of it and not abuse
With too much food, drink and everything
No exercise to get rid of toxins
In our body they accumulate
To make us sick
Message for Nov. 28, 2011.
Take care of yourself, your body which is My temple. Your health is very important  for you to carry out the mission that you have to do.  Do not abuse your body with lack of sleep, lack of physical exercise and eating the wrong kind of foods.

Your nourishment should be appropriate for your body’s optimum performance. Live in moderation from drinks, food, sex and exercise.  Too much of anything will affect the balance and harmony of your system. Listen to it, be aware of the changes and seek medical attention when you notice that something is off-key or unnatural.  Don’t wait for so long and self-medicate, because you are not an expert.

Seek the help of those who are knowledgeable to check your health, don’t listen and follow the medication given to another, because your system is different.  What worked out for someone, might be detrimental to you. Go  to the experts and pray that they will be enlightened  and guided to diagnose and give the right/appropriate medication and medical treatment for you. 

Sunday Lies

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Tired to go to church I lied to Thee
Feigning sickness though just lazy
In my heart  the lie was heavy
Knowing you, Lord know the real story

Message for Nov. 27, 2011
Sometimes, you can’t attend Sunday worship for a reason, then, let it be. Let the reason be for Myself alone and you will know it when you’re here, when its time to account for things in your life. Your reluctance and excuses in failing to attend the  Sunday Holy Mass are all known to Me, nothing is hidden from My sight.

So, stop fooling yourself most especially Me. If you can’t attend Holy Mass, then say it outright, don’t look for excuses.  It is better to be honest than to fabricate lies. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Commitment and Flowing Water

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Like how water flows
Around the obstacles in its path
Commitment should be done
To fulfill a promise no matter what

Message for Nov. 26, 2011.
Contracts are written agreements that bind parties to a commitment. Each party should do their best to fulfill the promise they pledged to  do, no matter the obstacles they might run into. Like flowing water, you must learn to seek your path even if your original route is already covered with boulders,  garbage or fallen trees.

Water can not be stopped from it’s course, it finds a way to continuously flow until it reaches its final destination, where it originally comes from, the sea.  I am not talking here about stagnant waters in canals, I am referring to the water coming from the mountains when it rains and flow to the lowlands. 

Water seeks a lower gradient, so it can flow unimpeded. So must you, for you to grow unhampered, it is wise to humble yourself, because when you seek the lower gradient it is easier to flow naturally.

Forgiving Friends

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Friends boost us up when we are down
The shoulder to cry on when nothing seems right at all
Friendship is not a bed of roses though
Misunderstanding pricks at the love that was sown
Don’t let the thorns of disagreement break the bond
Forgive and forget
That’s how true friendship are formed

Message for Nov. 25, 2011.

It is good to have friends  because they will serve as your support system when you are down. Don’t lose your  friends because of a little misunderstanding, try to bridge the gap as soon as you can, so that your disagreement will be resolved.

Don’t let days,  months or years pass by without making an effort to make peace with anyone, especially your long time friends. Be the first to make a move, so that it won’t bother your conscience if something bad will happen that will prevent you from asking or giving forgiveness.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The True Confession

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Confession without repentance
Is like lying through your teeth
Not meaning a word
So insincere, you sin
All over again

Message for Nov. 24, 2011.
Confession of one’s guilt unloads the weight of sin and makes your life brighter and open to new forgiveness and blessings.  Don’t hide your sins because I can see it, no matter what you do. Confess it at once, so you won’t sin no more, and I mean repent from your sins, not just confessing about it.

Confession without repentance will never work,  you will just sin once again.  Make a confession not out of duty but in your sincere desire to make it right with me, to establish connection once again.  Confession without repentance is like someone who wants to quit smoking, but is still holding a cigarette in their hands.  Unlighted, yes, but the temptation is still close at hand  which signifies they are still reluctant to abandon their vice.

The Heart and The Mouth

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

The mouth speaks from the
Fullness of the heart
Let my heart be always filled with love
For words of love
To fill my speech

Message for Nov. 23, 2011.
The blackness of someone’s heart is manifested through their words and actions, for whatever comes out from the mouth comes from the fullness of the heart. 

Take care of your hearts that it will not be blackened by sin, watch your thoughts because it will implant what will take root in your heart.

Fill your thoughts with good and positive things always. Don’t allow sin  to stay long to germinate and take root in your heart.  The longer it is entrenched  there, it will one day affect your life and others.

Praying for Our Dreams

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Follow your dreams
With God to show you where to go
Don’t rush to fulfill them alone
Into a trap you just might fall

Message for Nov. 22, 2011.
Don’t be in a hurry to accomplish your dreams. There is a time and a season for everything.  Avoid rushing in to pitfalls that you might just regret later. 

Learn to wait for the right opportunity and while waiting, pray that you will have the wisdom to recognize the chance that is meant for you.

Pretending to be Someone Else

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Pretending to be who I am not
I’d rather not be caught in the act
For in time the lie will catch up
My words they would no longer believe
No matter what I do to rectify the wrong
I’ve  lost  my credibility

Message for Nov. 21, 2011.
Do not pretend to be someone else and claim the works of others as your own. In time, you will be caught  of your subterfuge and will lose credibility.  What is wrong in accepting that you don’t have the ability to do something?

Don’t be a fraud and become dishonest. Do not abuse the trust and confidence that was shown to you by another person.  Be yourself, be honest, be brave to accept who you are and learn to improve what needs to be improved of yourself.

Acceptance of your own identity and your own talents will lead to further growth and self-improvement rather than pretending to be someone else.

Serving Two Masters

Grace, mercy and peace with you.

Two masters I can not keep
Between the world and the Lord
The Lord I must select
For He gave me life to live
The world will take away my life
Apart from Him who gave me breath

 Message for Nov. 20, 2011.
The trouble with serving so many masters, is that you will hate one and love another.  Who is your master,  Me or the world? The world requires you to pursue jobs to pay for your lifestyle. Me, I give you the strength and the grace to be able to live in this world.

What  is more important then, the world and its pleasures or the source of your strength?  Serve me well and you will control the world and be master of your self. Do not allow yourself to be ruled by the world and forget Me.  Always make Me your priority no matter what!

Masks and Facades

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Masks cover the real me
That I’m afraid to show
They keep away the hurt I’d feel
If I let them see how vulnerable I can be

Message for Nov. 19, 2011
Facades, people show false facades so that they won’t get hurt. It is a defense mechanism to put off someone from getting too near their basic character.  Sometimes, a person has several facades to suit the occasion and the persons they are with. 

It serves so many purpose,  but mainly to protect one self. It would be fun to get to know somebody who protects themselves with several facades, it would be like peeling an onion, layer by layer.  Occasionally, you get tears in your eyes as they are getting peeled because it will show their vulnerability and it is a pity to see an exposed person totally bared of their defenses.

Be yourself, don’t cover your true self with so many false coatings because of pride. Pride is usually the reason why someone hides themselves in protective wall defenses.

Spiritual Journey

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I journey inward to know myself
And connect with my inner self
Then I journey on to seek the Light
Peace and love filled me from within

Message for Nov. 18, 2011
Spirituality is a journey inwards, to the core of your being first then you connect with the Higher Being. Oftentimes, the journey inwards is blocked by your prejudices, doubts, fears and time. You can’t hurry your journey, sometimes a person has so many lifetime within themselves and there are things to unravel that might not be pleasant.

For your journey to become successful, you have to consciously and regularly set up a time for your meditation time. Do it regularly, not necessarily the same hour each  day, although permanency would help, but at least everyday you do it. Then, you will be on a journey towards self discovery that you will not regret.

Showing Love

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Love is shown by  deeds
Not by letters, thoughts and words alone
How will it be known
If you hide it in your heart afraid of being spurned
Show your love to everyone
Be not afraid to love
For the more you love,
It will come back
Loving you even more

 Message for Nov. 17, 2011
Cleansing yourself and the whole humanity can be done by practicing loving kindness to everyone. Yes, there are mantras that are said to be powerful, but can there be more powerful than this? Even if you religiously say your mantra, but not practice loving kindness to your brethren, then it will not be as powerful.

Action speaks  louder than words. You have to show your care for everyone, make it visible, make it tactile. Just do it, not think or write about it. It is  a sin of omission if you fail to show someone you care for them.


Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I’m sorry is hard to say
But harder to let it stay
In your heart it will corrode
Love and peace your soul can’t hold

Message for Nov. 16, 2011.
Forgiveness is a healing process for you and the person who hurt you. Haven’t you noticed that if you forgive, a load seems to be lifted off your chest?  The heavy feeling lodged in your heart, will constrict your blood stream the longer it stays there, so let go of any grievance, let peace flow throughout your system and let healing take place in your soul.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Waiting for the Storm to Pass

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

I walked into a  storm
And struggled for control
Tossed about and lost my grip
Fell on my face engulfed with grief
Oh, Lord,” Help me,” I cried out brokenly
In my own hands I tried to grapple
The tempest that buffeted me
Beaten down to surrender
My strength
Is nothing compared to Thee

Message for Nov. 15, 2011.
Be patient, don’t rush headlong into things you might just regret later.  Remember, patience is a virtue. So wait it out until the storm calms down.  When there is a tempest in your life, come,  sit down and pray and believe that I AM there in the middle of the storm looking out for you, shielding you from harm. 

Wait it out for the storm to pass  and do things you have neglected to do, especially  your prayer time.  Being patient under My care is surrendering and submitting yourself to My power.  Rest in My power then and be secure that I will always be here to protect  and provide for you at all times, even if you have forgotten Me or been led astray, I am constantly by your side. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Fingerprints of God

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

The existence of God is everywhere
No need for fingerprints to prove
His presence, for we are
The evidence of His creation

Message for Nov. 14, 2011.
The Fibonacci numbers, says they are the fingerprint of God, yes,  My fingerprints are all over My creation, yet scientists just want to prove My existence through facts and numbers and whatever is necessary to convince them that I AM made this  and that. 

They want to quantify what  is not quantifiable. They want to explain My existence in terms that they understand, put me in a box of their hypothesis and logic.  What if they can’t find something that will put Me in a box?  Will  it mean, I don’t exist?  Fools, they only have to wonder about themselves, and see My fingerprints all over their body. 

What is so simple and glaring, they just complicate with numbers, scientific data, statistics, probabilities, whatever they can think of.  Poor souls, how they toil for nothing. Their existence alone prove that I exist! 

Man and Nature

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

With man’s dream of civilization  
Nature  and its beauty
Were pushed out of man’s realm
To create his dream of concrete jungles
Instead of green foliaged trees

Message for Nov. 13, 2011.
Sundays, again, I am stressing the importance of this day to Me, not  only by attending Holy Mass but in the offering the entire day to Me.  Even if you do something else on this day, consecrate them to Me because this day is holy.  Spend the day working on your different chores but offer it to Me and you will be blessed for doing so. 

Modern times have made man so busy, chasing after time in search of money to be able to afford pleasures, costly pleasures.  Gone are the days, when people find it a pleasure to have time on their own, contemplating on My words,  seating alone in the park or just outside their homes to appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. 

Gone are those times, nature has been stripped of its beauty and has receded to far away places, it has no room for modern man and modern civilization.  Nature is only to be enjoyed in distant, requiring money to be able to get there.  And man is falling into the trap of scheming businessmen. 

What a shame and what a pity! I made nature to be enjoyed for free by everyone, but now to enjoy them, man have to pay the price for the profit of unscrupulous men. How dare they do this for business and they don’t even give something back to Me.  They will be held accountable for this, when the time comes for them  to appear before Me. 

Prayers and Affirmations

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Daily prayers
Are daily affirmations
Of what we are asking for
Believe that it will be given
And it will be so

Message for Nov. 12,  2011.

Affirmations are your daily prayers. Persevere in your prayers and you are doing the affirmations that you read in books.  Affirmations need not be really fancy  and so should prayers. The simpler they are, the better. 

When you ask, believe that it will be granted to you because it will indeed be given. Just make sure that what you are asking for is free from selfish motives  and evil intentions.  Your  intentions must be pure and the consequences of you receiving it should not be harmful to you or anyone else.  That is why it is necessary to end your prayers  with, “Your will be done, Lord, not mine,” because you don’t really know the consequences of your prayers if it will be granted to you, so you are leaving it to Me, who can see through eternity.