Wednesday, December 14, 2011

God's Provision

Grace, mercy and peace to you.

Nothing is impossible with the Lord
We only have to ask and we will receive
As long as we are obedient and follow His ways
He doesn’t give everything we ask though
If it won’t be good to us, He says, “No”

 Message for Dec. 14, 2011.
My provision is constant and abounding, My children only have to ask and they will live abundantly, as long as they obey My will and follow My precepts.  When you are separated from Me because of sin, you will experience  lack in your life that is not due to material things.  The emptiness that  you will feel will drive you to look for something to fill the void – drinks, parties, clothes, shoes, vices, etc., but it  cannot be filled with anything or anyone but My love.

Don’t you wonder why there are so many rich people who get depress when they have everything that the world can offer?  They are lonely despite all the grandeur, they feel empty despite all the things they possess.  Why?  Because, seldom do these rich people have a God to call on. They think with their affluence and power, that they are gods over their minions. 

When anyone reaches the top of material wealth possession, without acknowledging My assistance in their fortune, everything will be stripped away from them.  If they are so rich and they’ve become so selfish, not sharing with their less fortunate neighbors, one day everything they own will be taken away. 

It is very important to share with others because this is one of  the universal laws, to give and receive.  It is unhealthy to always give or always receive, because an imbalance will be created. Right now, the world is very unbalanced.  There are only a few who are very rich, and so many who are very poor.  The in-between, the middle class also have their structure, and it is also causing an imbalance. 

Man should work on lessening the gap between poverty and wealth.  Not just by giving donations, but by seeing to  it that their donations go to the rightful causes such as educating the masses and spreading the Good News about Me so that  everyone  will know that I am always here to help.

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